Mozart Musings

As I climbed into my ancient,high Spanish bed last night I could just hear the faint snoring of the man who share my life.

I was just sliding gently into that hypnagogic state between sleep and wakefullness when floating towards me came a snippet of information about my favourite composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Somewhere from the ether I have gleaned the information that listening to this composer’s music can improve one’s brainpower by activating the neuronal cortical circuits related to cognitive function.

By now my decelerating and receding thoughts start to gently hover around my favourite Mozart pieces.

” It can’t hurt to give it a try” I think as I lean over to turn the World Service off the radio. A little jiggle of the Sonos system and suddenly my head is filled with the auditory perfection that is Eine Kleine Nachtmusic.

Ten minutes later I am wide awake and reaching for my Ugg boots in the dark find myself getting up to make a cup of tea….



About carolemccall

I am an Author,Life Coach,NLP Trainer and Pyschotherapist .My first book The Fourth Generation is about my family and goes back 100 years. My second book The Lotus Generation is an amusing account of my life when I lived in Spain next door to my sister.I also did a lot of travelling around the world.There are two more books in the series.The third book The Boomer generation is out in May 2015. I am a Granny to seven small people and live in Tunbridge Wells with my husband and small white dog called Stella.
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